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American cigarette manufacturers have filed a lawsuit against the FDA.
The largest US tobacco companies filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the District of Columbia against the Federal Office of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
read more ...05/04/15
Interesting facts about cigarettes, countries - tobacco leaders.
Every minute in the world are sold about 8-10 million cigarettes and daily 13-15 billion cigarettes.
read more ...04/01/15
Anti-smoking campaigns run to extremes.
It is strange to what can bring the foolishness of anti-smoking crusaders in their attempts to impose all the rules of a healthy lifestyle, even if they lead to a violation of all norms, artistic freedom and civil society.
read more ...03/03/15
    Lung cancer biggest killer of US women: study
    Study Says Smoking Ban Has Not Hurt Businesses
    A Way to Find Everything
    Home smoking 'more deadly'
    HEALTH-CUBA: Anti-Smoking Measures and Safer Cigarettes
    City's successful smoking ban leading the way
    German lawmakers want to ban smoking for drivers
    Inside the minds of those who smoke
    Most support smoking bans: council
    N.Y. smoking ban study released
    Event teaches about effects of smoking on dogs and students
    Virginia plans to sell tobacco bonds backed by settlement revenue
    States Hit Public Employees With Smoking Surcharge
    Sweden bans smoking in bars and restaurants
    Belgium set for smoking ban
    EU TV Campaign Makes Fun of Smoking
    Today in Italy
    Penny of per-pack cigarette tax will go for cancer research
    Paul McIntyre: Bars need to realize smoke-free reality
    Want a healthy baby? Don't smoke
    You vote to outlaw secondhand smoke
    Tassie teen smoke fad
    Diagnosing Early Lung Cancer
    Smoking ban will save 'thousands of lives'
    Fewer places to smoke, more ways to quit
    Support 'growing' for smoking ban
    Law sees 30% rise in smoking-free homes in Republic
    No butts about it, passive smoke kills
    Brain Scan Study of Smokers Reveals Signature of Craving
    County smoking declines
    Lung Disease Plagues Scotland
    Successful Ex-Smokers Show Trust In Health Care, Upbeat Attitude
    Significant drop in heart disease deaths in Poland
    New product could relight smokers' hopes
    A Bid to Chill Thinking
    Understanding Lung Cancer
    Lung Cancer Is the No. 1 Cancer Killer
    Fast Facts on Lung Cancer
    Study: most states get short end of landmark tobacco agreement
    Hollywood bad guys 'smoke more'
    Lung cancer still remains difficult to treat