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CIGoutlet Tobacco News
American cigarette manufacturers have filed a lawsuit against the FDA.
The largest US tobacco companies filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the District of Columbia against the Federal Office of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
read more ...05/04/15
Interesting facts about cigarettes, countries - tobacco leaders.
Every minute in the world are sold about 8-10 million cigarettes and daily 13-15 billion cigarettes.
read more ...04/01/15
Anti-smoking campaigns run to extremes.
It is strange to what can bring the foolishness of anti-smoking crusaders in their attempts to impose all the rules of a healthy lifestyle, even if they lead to a violation of all norms, artistic freedom and civil society.
read more ...03/03/15
Roper Starch Survey Shows Majority of Americans Opposed to Tobacco Tax Increase


WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- A recent public opinion survey conducted by Roper Starch Worldwide shows that a majority of Americans do not support increasing taxes on cigarettes, even if the revenues would be used for Medicare coverage of prescripti

Moreover, the survey, which was commissioned by Philip Morris, found that 44 percent of Americans said tobacco taxes are currently ``too high'' and an additional 22 percent said that taxes on cigarettes are ``about right.'' When respondents were told that local, state and federal governments make four times more through the sale of a pack of cigarettes than the tobacco companies, even more Americans said that cigarette taxes are too high. In this case, a majority (51 percent) said tobacco taxes are ``too high.'' More than seven in ten (74 percent) said they are ``too high'' or ``about right.'' Only 21 percent said cigarette taxes are ``too low.'' ``These results are very consistent with the findings of our Roper Reports tracking surveys over the last two decades. Generally speaking, Americans think tobacco taxes are either too high or about right, with few in favor of increasing them,'' said Edward Keller, President of Roper Starch.`` The survey of 1,013 adults also found that only four in ten Americans believe that the purpose of raising cigarette taxes is to reduce smoking. An equal number believe that such taxes are simply intended to raise revenue for the government as say they are intended to reduce youth smoking. Four in ten (40 percent) said the main intention for raising tobacco taxes is to gain more money for the government, with a total of 39 percent seeing them as a way to reduce smoking either by keeping kids from starting (21 percent) or by getting current smokers to quit (18 percent). An additional 17 percent said increasing cigarette taxes is aimed at earning political points. A majority of Americans also believe that raising taxes on cigarettes will have little effect on reducing the level of youth smoking. When asked how effective increasing the tax on cigarettes will be in significantly reducing youth smoking, six in ten said ``not at all effective'' (40 percent) or ``not very effective'' (21 percent) Just 11 percent said raising tobacco taxes would be ``very effective'' while 25 percent said cigarette taxes increases would be ``somewhat effective'' in reducing youth smoking. ``These results show that most Americans are skeptical of the idea that raising tobacco taxes will significantly impact youth smoking levels,'' Keller said. The results cited above were gathered in telephone surveys with 1,013 adults between December 8th and 12th, 1999. The survey has a margin of error of +/- 3% points. The complete survey questions and findings are below. Roper Starch Survey on Tobacco Taxes Currently, there are efforts underway to increase the tax on a pack of cigarettes . . . Those that support increasing the cigarette tax feel that it will help keep kids from buying cigarettes and that it is a good way to help fund various government programs such as adding prescription drug coverage for Medicare recipients. Those that oppose increasing the cigarette tax say it will hit those earning $30,000 a year or less the hardest, that it will not reduce youth smoking and that it is just another way for government to collect more money. Which group do you agree with most? Those that support increasing the cigarette tax 42% Those that oppose increasing the cigarette tax 53% Neither (vol.) 4% Don't know (vol.) 2% SAME QUESTION BUT SPLIT SAMPLED WITH REFERENCE TO MEDICARE PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE OMITTED: Currently, there are efforts underway to increase the tax on a pack of cigarettes . . . Those that support increasing the cigarette tax feel that it will help keep kids from buying cigarettes and that it is a good way to help fund various government programs. Those that oppose increasing the cigarette tax say it will hit those earning $30,000 a year or less the hardest, that it will not reduce youth smoking and that it is just another way for government to collect more money. Which group do you agree with most? Those that support increasing the cigarette tax 43% Those that oppose increasing the cigarette tax 50% Neither (vol.) 5% Don't know (vol.) 2% Do you think the taxes on cigarettes are currently "too low," "about right," or "too high"? Too low 22% About right 22% Too high 44% Don't know (vol.) 12% According to the New York Times, through local, state and federal taxes, government earns four times more money from the sale of a pack of cigarettes than the tobacco companies do. Knowing this, do you think that the taxes on cigarettes are ``too low,'' ``about right,'' or ``too high''? Too low 21% About right 23% Too high 51% Don't know (vol.) 5% Which of the following do you think is the main intention behind wanting to raise the taxes on cigarettes? To help get current smokers to quit 18% To attempt to gain political points 17% To keep kids from smoking 21% For the government to get more money 40% Don't know (vol.) 1% How effective do you feel increasing the tax on a pack of cigarettes will be in significantly reducing the level of youth smoking? Very effective 11% Somewhat effective 25% Not very effective 21% Not at all effective 40% Don't know (vol.) 3%

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