Cigarette ads still seen on billboards
In their $206 billion settlement with the states, tobacco companies had agreed to end all billboard advertising and bring down all existing tobacco related billboards by April 23.
Nevertheless, cigarettes have found a way to be seen on big billboards on highways! A convenience store chain, Wawa Food Market, has been promoting the Marlboro brand on its own high way signs. A bright red pack of Marlboros being sold for ``$2.19 for limited time only'' is prominently featured on Wawa billboards on I-76 and other major expressways. The retailer says that it does not consider itself a participant in the tobacco settlement and has full rights to advertise special promotions. Wawa spokeswoman Mandy Lain said they have gotten no monetary compensation from tobacco companies for the billboard advertisements. State Attorney General Mike Fisher is eyeing the Wawa billboards and considering what limitations the tobacco settlement imposes on retailers, spokesman Sean Connolly said.