Secretary of Health to Unveil Hard-hitting Tobacco Prevention Plan
OLYMPIA, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 7, 1999--State Secretary of Health Mary Selecky, will unveil a statewide plan to prevent and reduce tobacco use in Washington at a news conference Friday, Dec. 10, at 10:30 am, in Olympia.
The plan, a product of a 16-member advisory council, technical work groups and several community workshops, describes six major activities -- proven effective in other states -- to reduce adult smoking rates and keep young people from starting in the first place.
Friday's news conference will be held on the Capitol Campus, John A. Cherberg Building, Senate Hearing Room 4.
Note to Editors and Reporters: Attorney General Christine Gregoire, who negotiated the national tobacco settlement last fall, also will speak at the news conference.