A Call to Action to Act in Time to Heart Attack Signs
Recently, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the American Heart Association issued a joint "call to action" for health professionals to help reduce heart attack deaths through patient and public education.
The NHLBI and its campaign partners has issued a call-to-action to get Americans to help reduce heart attack fatalities.If we could get people suffering from a heart attack to appropriate medical care in under 1 hour, we could potentially avoid hundreds of thousands of unnecessary incidents of death and permanent heart damage.
The "call to action" served to launch a major new heart attack education campaign, "Act in Time to Heart Attack Signs". Its goal is clear:
Teach people how to recognize common heart attack warning signs.
Emphasize the need to call 9-1-1 within 5 minutes of a suspected heart attack.
Help people create a heart attack survival plan.
An Invitation to Team Up
Campaign partners also include the American Red Cross, the National Council on the Aging, and the National Emergency Number Association. In addition, the 40 members of the NHLBI's National Heart Attack Alert Program Coordinating Committee who helped to shape the campaign are working to disseminate its messages and materials.
Now you can join in this unprecedented call from NHLBI and the campaign partners to help bring the life-saving messages of "Act in Time" to your community.
Will You Accept?
We need you to spread the word. To help you, NHLBI has developed patient, professional, and community education materials that are affordable and easy to use. Use the materials in your medical office, hospital, clinic, work place, community center, place of worship, and elsewhere.
To check out the campaign Web pages and view the materials, go to www.nhlbi.nih.gov/actintime.
For a description of all "Act in Time" materials and options for ordering them please visit http://emall.nhlbihin.net.
Thank you for your efforts. Together, we can make a difference!
P.S. Share Your Success.
Let the "Act in Time" coordinators know how you are spreading the word in your community. Email
[email protected]. Send photos and brief descriptions we can share with other active partners.